Q: The board of my condominium association is elected for “staggered terms” according to our bylaws. What does this mean? (D.L. via e-mail)
A: The Florida Condominium Act provides that directors’ terms …
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Q: The board of my condominium association is elected for “staggered terms” according to our bylaws. What does this mean? (D.L. via e-mail)
A: The Florida Condominium Act provides that directors’ terms …
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Q: Our condominium association board imposed a suspension for use of common facilities as a penalty for an owner who had been renting in violation of our condominium documents. I stated that the suspension would require approval of …
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Q: I am on the board for our condominium complex. Many owners have requested getting lights for our swimming pool so that they may use it longer in the winter months. We have the funds for this and …
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Q: I keep seeing the term “quorum” in the materials for my condominium association’s annual meeting. Can you explain what a quorum is? (L.B., via e-mail)
A: “Quorum” refers to the number …
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Q: Our condominium documents require owners to maintain windows. The board wants to encourage (or even force) owners to install impact glass. Can the board dictate the type of new windows that have to be installed? Also, why …
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Q: My homeowners’ association requires contractors to be licensed and insured as part of the approval process for architectural review. Are they allowed to do this? (K.L. via e-mail)
A: The Florida …
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Q: I live on the first floor of a two-story condominium. My upstairs neighbor’s water heater somehow malfunctioned (I believe the tank burst) and by the time it was discovered, hundreds (maybe thousands) of gallons of water had …
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Q: Our condominium association board recently announced a new rule involving the hours our tennis courts are open. The owners were not asked to participate in discussing the new hours or vote on the rule. Was the board …
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Q: I am a new owner in a condominium. The board has asked me for a key to my unit, but I am hesitant to give it to them. Can they require me to provide a key? ( …
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Q: Our annual meeting and election is coming up and our board has been discussing the relevant procedure. Is it possible for us to go through simpler procedure because we are a smaller condominium association? (S.W. via …
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