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Legal Decisions Which Could Affect Your Community

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Many community associations do not have an absolute right to approve or disapprove of prospective purchasers; but instead the governing documents give them a right of first refusal to assign a sales contract to another purchaser on the same terms …

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The (Tree) Root of the Problem: Who Is Responsible When Tree Roots and Branches Cause Damage?

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They say good fences make good neighbors. But trees, on the other hand, have been known to strain the relationship between neighbors. Damage and disruption amongst neighboring lot owners, caused by tree roots and branches, is a very common problem …

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Problem Parking in your Community Association?

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It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that older multifamily communities in Florida (and elsewhere in the country) have serious parking problems these days since those communities were built decades ago when families used fewer cars.

Today, people …

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The Association Was Served With A Writ Of Garnishment For An Employee/Vendor…Now What?

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If the garnishment concerns a judgment against an employee/vendor of the Association, then the Association’s only concern is with ensuring that it is properly withholding from distribution to that employee/vendor the portion of the payment which is subject to garnishment. …

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Community Update, Volume 11, 2014

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As the end of the year approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on those with the inspiration and vision to shape our industry.  This year, we sadly experienced the passing of Gary Poliakoff, our Firm’s co-founder and pioneer in the field …

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Community Update, Volumes 7 & 8, 2014

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Here it is – our Special Legislative Issue of Community Update. This year CALL had significant impact on the new laws and published detailed guides to the legislation. Legislation this year included guidance for associations with respect to abandoned units, …

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Community Update, Volume 6, 2014

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There have been numerous articles in the press regarding forced sales of condominium units. A law adopted in 2007 changed the procedure to terminate a condominium. Do you understand the termination process? As an owner, do you have any say …

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Community Update, Volume 5, 2014

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Our legislative town halls have provided active community leaders with insights into the new laws that impact community association operations. Over 100 people attended the session held in Fort Lauderdale where the panel consisted of no less than six (6) …

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Community Update, Volume 4, 2014

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Slow moving mortgage foreclosures often result in homes or units being vacant for years with the owner completely ignoring what transpires with respect to the property.  The association notices someone seems to be living there – who is that person?  …

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