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Tag Archives Division of Florida Condominiums

Term Limit Law Continues to Spark Controversy

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There have been some interesting recent developments involving the new law establishing term limits for condominium board members, which has been the subject of at least two of my recent columns.

The Florida Condominium Act was amended effective …

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FL Division of Condos Proposes Greater Financial Penalties on Associations

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Florida condominiums, cooperatives and, to a lesser degree, homeowners’ associations are subject to the imposition of fines and penalties by the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshare and Mobile Homes (“Division”) for a variety of mistakes and missteps.  The Division plans …

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Board Talking About Switching Over to “Pooled” Reserves

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Question: Our board of directors has been talking about switching over to “pooled” reserves. Can you explain what this means?

L.A. (via e-mail) Answer: The concept of funding condominium reserves …

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